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Useful Articles

Useful Articles | Publish date: 09 Mehr 1399

Effect of Alcohol on Bacteria and Viruses: The Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) believes that alcohols in concentrations of 60-70% have a good effect on surgical scrub, so that they can quickly and greatly reduce skin bacteria. Rother believes that among skin disinfectants, alcohol has a faster antiseptic effect than other agents. Research has shown that alcohol-containing compounds may have a greater effect on resistant pathogens than disinfectant solutions alone.

Useful Articles | Publish date: 09 Mehr 1399

Epidemics and Pandemics: In 1918 and 1919, a very dangerous and deadly Type A Influenza spread throughout the world. Most of the victims were young and healthy adults. In the past, it was believed that 50 million people were killed during this pandemic, but recent studies show that about 100 million people were killed by the disease, which is equivalent to five percent of the world’s population that year. One of the pandemics that started in the 80s and continues to this day is AIDS. There are currently about 38 million people living with AIDS worldwide.

Useful Articles | Publish date: 09 Mehr 1399

What is a bacterium? Bacteria are a group of microscopic single-celled organisms that are surrounded by a relatively thick outer covering. These organisms have a simple structure and belong to the Prokaryote group. They are the first living things to come to earth. The first signs of life on Earth, about three and a half billion years ago, are related to the emergence of prokaryotic bacterial cells. Bacteria are the most diverse and important microorganisms. Few of them are pathogenic in humans, animals and plants. In general, life on Earth is disrupted without their activity. Eukaryotes must have evolved from bacterial-like organisms.